Thursday, March 24, 2016

3/24 星期四

1. vocab 3-4
2. reading fluency 3-3-2 or 3-3-1
3. introduce fluency reading 3-3-2
4. sentences:


5. review ordering food.

Turn in homework
3-4 vocab quiz on Monday
after school program on Monday

3/18-3/24  Homework  Thursday to Friday  this week next week.

*****Please write your name on anything you turn in.*****
1. Chinese website preview and review vocabularies, using
3.make phone calls to your friends for 10 minutes in Chinese for 3 days or 3 times and have your parents sign it and bring it to me Friday (talking to a friend or sister , or review new words with your friends by using Chinese whole time can count as well, but make sure you at least try to make one phone calls. ) (Talk to your friend about Chinese food, Chinese New Year, review 2-5 content. )
**4. Type 3 sentences in Chinese with connecting words  and vocabularies you learned that week:

因为,所以,还有,不过,和,先。。再, 一边。。。一边     (follow STPVO order) 

 email to:

You can text in Chinese to replace one time calling. However, your texting in Chinese should not replace all  your speaking time.